A Think Tank focused on promoting dialogue between the public and private sectors to reflect on a world in accelerated transformation
Ties Group

Who we are
Ties is a Brazilian Think Tank committed to fostering discussions among the public and private sectors, as well as academia, on both national and international levels. Our primary focus areas include justice, integrity, security, citizenship, and technology.
We believe that continuous professional enhancement should be combined with the exchange of ideas and best practices, drawing on lessons learned. In this process, it is fundamental to understand the perspectives and actions of diverse stakeholders, leveraging the global experiences of other nations and international organizations.

We organize discussions both in Brazil and abroad, bringing together highly accomplished professionals and specialists from diverse sectors, each bringing their unique experiences and backgrounds to the table. Our forums attract business leaders, academics, entrepreneurs, as well as national and international public authorities, creating a dynamic platform for enriching dialogues.

We organize groups for technical visits, aiming to enhance comprehension of policies and best practices implemented by other nations, institutions, and international organizations. These visits stimulate discourse on pertinent subjects within the regional and global agenda, fostering constructive debates.

Virtual activities
We coordinate dynamic virtual discussions on current matters, offering flexibility of time and spaces conducive to personal interactions, while adjusting participants' professional schedules and preferences.

We produce innovative content in the form of publications that showcase trends, regulatory insights, and technical analyses in the sectors of justice, citizenship, security, and integrity. These works feature contributions from leading experts in both public and private sectors from Brazil and abroad.

We offer international consultancy services, collaborating with experienced professionals, in the development of technical assistance projects and in external and independent monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of programs that are developed by international organizations, regional blocks, and Think Tanks.
Target Audience
Ties caters to a diverse audience, including legal professionals from both the public and private sectors, law firms, public safety professionals, government officials, academics, researchers, political scientists, public relations and international relations professionals, as well as managerial personnel in Public Administration and companies operating within or associated with these segments.


The purpose of the mission to Brazil was to assess the existing programs in the country and explore new opportunities for projects and partnerships. During the visit to our group and the Madruga BTW office, strategies for UNODC's engagement with the private sector were discussed, covering topics such as integrity in sports, combating illegal mining and human trafficking, and the ESG agenda in its multiple facets.
The UNODC has developed a successful and trusting partnership with the Ties Group, with its participation and support in the Anti-Fraud Forum held in March of this year, and with the presence of our team in their corporate integrity training held last month.
With special thanks for including us in this agenda, we wish the Brasília office continued success and look forward to new collaborative steps ahead!

At the 18th Meeting of the Brazilian Public Security Forum, held in Recife last week, the workshop "Follow the Products and Tackling Organized Crime" took place as one of the outcomes of the discussions from the 1st International Anti-Fraud Forum, organized by the Ties Group in March of this year.
The workshop's discussions focused on product traceability as a potential strategy to strengthen the ecosystem of prevention and combat against money laundering. It also aimed to facilitate the creation of an integrated environment between public and private entities to address fraud in various sectors of the economy.
Our partnership with the FBSP remains strong in its goal to foster dialogue between the public and private sectors, as well as academia, on topics relevant to the national agenda. We extend our gratitude to Renato Sérgio de Lima and Nivio Nascimento.

In addition to addressing the existing national and international legislative framework on the subject, participating companies had the opportunity to analyze a risk matrix and corresponding compliance solutions, reaffirming our commitment to global integrity guidelines.
AVA Gestão, our back-office company, was with us on this occasion, where we gained a better understanding of the work developed by the UN Global Compact - Brazil Network and the Alliance for Integrity.
In addition to addressing the existing national and international legislative framework on the subject, participating companies had the opportunity to analyze a risk matrix and corresponding compliance solutions, reaffirming our commitment to global integrity guidelines.
AVA Gestão, our back-office company, was with us on this occasion, where we gained a better understanding of the work developed by the UN Global Compact - Brazil Network and the Alliance for Integrity.

The Ties Group promoted, on July 16, 2024, a webinar on digital evidence in international legal cooperation, in partnership with the Ibero-American Legal Cooperation Network and the Institute for International Legal Cooperation – ICJI.
Participants discussed the most common types of digital evidence in criminal proceedings, as well as the problems presented in international legal cooperation in this area, especially within the scope of the Budapest Convention and its Second Protocol. Likewise, the importance of the chain of custody in digital evidence was discussed, ensuring that it remains unchanged from collection to presentation in court. The main challenges of digital evidence were also discussed, especially in relation to special investigative techniques in international cooperation, such as telephone tapping.
Given the growing challenge that fraud poses to economic activity, consumers, and the general population, the I International Anti-Fraud Forum brought together companies, professionals, specialists, authorities, and policymakers to devise effective solutions against fraudsters' actions in various sectors.
The event began with a roundtable discussion among authorities who debated national anti-fraud strategies and current obstacles in combating this crime. The integration of fraud prevention with anti-money laundering efforts as a tool to combat organized crime and the best international practices were also discussed in the panels.
On the second day, participants split into eight thematic rooms to debate the impact of fraud on different sectors of the economy, including virtual assets, organized crime, deepfake and artificial intelligence, fuels, food adulteration and agricultural certifications, sports, financial systems, e-commerce, brands, and cybersecurity.

The Ties Group participated in the evaluation team for the "Global Illicit Flows Programme" (GIFP), an initiative of the European Union that encompasses 9 technical assistance projects aimed at countries in Latin America and Africa.
The GIFP was conceived as a mechanism for the European Union to support third countries in their efforts to combat transnational organized crime. The program focuses on fighting organized crime along transregional illicit routes, particularly in relation to drug trafficking and the movement of chemical precursors, illicit arms trafficking, wildlife crimes, and illicit financial flows.
The Ties Group participated in the evaluation team for the "Global Illicit Flows Programme" (GIFP), an initiative of the European Union that encompasses 9 technical assistance projects aimed at countries in Latin America and Africa.
The GIFP was conceived as a mechanism for the European Union to support third countries in their efforts to combat transnational organized crime. The program focuses on fighting organized crime along transregional illicit routes, particularly in relation to drug trafficking and the movement of chemical precursors, illicit arms trafficking, wildlife crimes, and illicit financial flows.
The evaluation team interviewed program managers in Brussels, as well as project leaders and representatives of the European External Action Service, to assess the concrete results obtained from these interventions and the challenges encountered in their development. Subsequently, the evaluation moved to a field phase, with visits to countries such as Paraguay, Colombia, and Ecuador. During these visits, representatives of the beneficiary countries were interviewed to understand how well the projects meet national needs and identify areas for improvement. The final project report, containing the diagnosis and proposals, was submitted to the European Commission.
The Ties Group promoted an important and innovative debate between the public and private sectors on the topic of Overcompliance and risk aversion in preventing money laundering and corruption. The event was promoted in partnership with Ibmec, with the support of the law firms MBTW and Mattos Filho.
The meeting, which took place in a round table format, allowed the exchange of ideas and the presentation of proposals by several lawyers, compliance officers from private companies, consultants and members of the public sector, such as COAF, MJSP, MPF and CGU, in the construction of a positive agenda to deal with the current challenges on the topic.
The Ties Group promoted an important and innovative debate between the public and private sectors on the topic of Overcompliance and risk aversion in preventing money laundering and corruption. The event was promoted in partnership with Ibmec, with the support of the law firms MBTW and Mattos Filho.
The meeting, which took place in a round table format, allowed the exchange of ideas and the presentation of proposals by several lawyers, compliance officers from private companies, consultants and members of the public sector, such as COAF, MJSP, MPF and CGU, in the construction of a positive agenda to deal with the current challenges on the topic.